The Ed Sullivan Theater, New York, NY

The Ed Sullivan Theater is a historic Landmark located at 1697-1699 Broadway in Manhattan, New York.  The theater is a 13-story, brown brick office building with a ground-floor designated to theater.  It was designed by architect Herbert Krapp and built by Arthur Hammerstein.  The theater opened its doors on November 30, 1927. The theater is currently home to CBS’ late night talk show, The Late Show.

In 2015 the landmark theater underwent a $18 million restoration. Despite this massive restoration project, the building’s issue with unbalanced ventilation was not resolved. That is until, eFlow-Constant Airflow Regulator’s (CAR’s) were installed.

Under strict time constraints, due to the fact that the theater is virtually in continuous use, under the guidance of MG Engineering consultants, several contractors were engaged to help fix the building’s unbalanced ventilation.  These ventilation issues had led to odors permeating the building causing discomfort for performers and members of the audience. The unbalanced HVAC system left the lower levels and the basement with no effective ventilation.

All issues with the theater’s ventilation systems were quickly and efficiently solved with the installation of eFlow-Constant Airflow Regulators.  eFlow-CARs instantly balanced the ventilation systems without the need for electricity or onsite balancing!

For more information about eFlow-Constant Airflow Regulators



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